For rookies

E-learning is still an emerging market in Poland. More and more companies take their first steps with this form of training. They often do so without any specific plan, knowledge or support. E-learning is not just a matter of purchasing and implementing a platform, but an investment which must be planned ahead and maintained over years.

We have over 10 years of market experience as e-learning advisors. We know how hard it is for the client to obtain the approprate knowledge and understand the market. This difficulty often stems from the fact that meetings with prospective partners consist of nothing else than a chat with the sales department and analyzing their offer. We propose a more advanced approach – as part of consulting, we develop an entire strategy for implementing e-learning services. This strategy reflects the needs of the client as well as our experience, ideas and practice.

Contact us and find out more about this exceptional offer.

For old timers

There are many organizations which depended on e-learning for some amount of time. But even in those cases, many problems constantly emerge. New requirements and challenges, no motivation for e-learning courses among employees, no means of evaluating the effectiveness of the courses, usual technical and IT problems, or the lack of attractive course formats – these are just some of the issues you may encounter. In cases like these, it is worth depending on consulting services of an experienced partner – this simply pays off.

We offer a wide range of support services, consulting, evaluation, studies and cooperation in establishing strategies for implementing e-learning. We also focus on optimizing expenses associated with producing e-learning courses. We know that problems usually stem not from “expensive service providers”, but miscommunication and badly handled task management.

An example of implementing a project without sufficient support

The following example may be simplified, but most of the steps and events listed may take place in reality. We also know what to do to transform these bad practices into effective ones.


Implement e-learning for 1000 people.


Lease an e-learning platform and produce 10 dedicated courses for employees and business partners. Plan the budget, establish a schedule, pick service providers.


Improving the competences among company employees and business partners while reducing the cost of the courses.

We have witnessed several “implementations” of this sort. These are the inevitable stages of a badly planned implementation:

The client meets up with e-learning service providers, selecting one they assume to be the best choice, based on their own criteria.

The client and the service provider sign a contract to implement an e-learning platform and produce 10 training courses.

  1. Since the expectations have not been specified in advance, many aspects of the platform’s functionality must be added during the implementation, which takes additional time and adds more costs on top of the initial price.
  2. Development of the courses begins. It starts with 10 storyboards, each one of which must be read, reviewed and accepted by the client. The client becomes overwhelmed by the amount of material they have to evaluate and many confusing questions they don’t know how to answer. They have no experience in the matter, and so they frequently accept badly designed storyboards.
  3. Feedback – unable to fully understand the storyboards, the client finds out that the ultimate result looks very different from their expectations and the content presented by the service provider during the meetings.
  4. Acceptance – when development is complete, it is way overdue and way overpriced.

One person (or more) is appointed as an administrator of the platform – at which point it turns out this task is much harder than it was supposed to be, and every mistake carries serious consequences. Managing the platform takes up too much of the person’s time – and this was supposed to be just a part-time task.

1000 people receive notifications saying that the platform and the courses are now available. The client attempts to convince the users to log in and take part in the courses.

The client looks forward to reading initial reports. They receive a report indicating how many people have completed specific courses, how much time it took and what their scores were. Without earlier studies and analyses, it is impossible to compare these results with anything.

Standard e-learning courses aren’t always attractive to users. Often, they do not wish to learn this way, and when they do, they do so only because they are forced to do it, which causes the courses to lose their effectiveness. Users find them long and tiresome, and the number of people logging into the platform drops over time.

Within a year of launching the platform, the client knows more about the users’ preferences, but still experiments with course effectiveness. Without any means of evaluation, it remains hard to estimate whether or not the investment is being returned. The service provider develops courses in accordance with the client’s specifications, but the client has no experience in teaching adults or instructional methodology. The resulting courses look nice, but are largely ineffective.

The client looks around for a company which could point them in the right direction, relieve them of some responsibilities, address their needs and suggest specific steps to prevent problems.

The client finds out about WeLearning – a year too late!

Trust the experts

Did you go through the same experience? Or perhaps you’re worried that implementing an e-learning platform will not go as planned? Make use of our knowledge and experience. We will not leave you helpless at any stage, and our creative workshops will allow you to establish best practices specifically for the audience you intend to teach. We will implement and trouble-shoot e-learning from beginning to end. Everything will be in order and your participation will be restricted to a necessary minimum. You will retain full control over the implementation the whole time.

Consulting and mentorship – we make things much easier


Contract us and find out what we can do for you.
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How much is it??

We offer basic consulting free of charge during initial meetings. Our experts will provide you with key info and support. They will evaluate your needs and analyze your options. In turn, they may be able to provide you with an initial concept of a plan we will keep on developing together until we reach a stage the client finds satisfying, in compliance with good practices we know at WeLearning.

Advanced services and studies are priced, but the initial price will only compensate the time devoted to you by our expert. Once we establish a schedule of tasks to be completed, you will receive a detailed valuation report which you may then accept or reject.